d'Wolhuys At Spinnerin

Since 1 September 2015, d'Wolhuys was introduced to SPiNNeRiN customers as the yarn division. Stocking and selling various local and imported ranges of yarns and products.

You will find brands such as Elle, Katia, Vinnis Colours, ColourSpun, Himalaya, Elite Yarns, Kismet Yarns, Circulo , DMC, Coats etc. Accessories from Elle, KnitPro, Addi, Pony etc.

We offer OPEN classes on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, giving you the opportunity to learn the skill and technique of KNITTING and/or CROCHET for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. You can also merely obtain assistance with any pattern or project you are busy with,

Other various project-specific classes such as Amigurumi, Macrami, Felting, etc. are presented as and when on offer and are advertised.